Pastor’s Recommendation

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Pastor Recommended Reading

Christ or Chaos by Dan Dewitt

How do you make sense of the world we live in? Do you believe we are here simply by random chance and that everything is the result of chaos? Or does it make more sense to believe in Christianity which says we are here by the design and grace of a Triune God? In this book, Dewitt very creatively engages with creation and God’s Word as a means of showing how Christianity not only better explains the world we live in but is also necessary for eternal life. Christ or Chaos is a quick and easy ready and yet it will challenge your thinking and hopefully leave you in awe and wonder of our mighty God. This book is perfect for Christians, atheists, and everyone in between.  


Recommended Reading by Category


the importance of missions and spreading the Gospel of Christ Jesus around the world.


Learn how to shepherd your children well.


Help build up your marriage relationship.


Children learn more about themselves, others around them and how god loves them.


gain a better understanding of the bible.


dig deep into the word of god to understand who he is and who we are in him.


with a focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ, learn about context and gain a better understanding.


Study and Learn about the nature of God.


how to live as a christian in a fallen world.


Learn how to defend what you believe.


How to live for Jesus Christ while moving people closer to him.