Middle School & High School

Our youth meet in the church every Wednesday night at 7pm. The evening starts with games and fun, then we transition into a teaching time before breaking off into groups to discuss what was taught. After some time in prayer, we return as a big group for socializing and snacks. Approximately once a month we try to do some kind of activity outside the church.

Youth Group Meets WednesdayS @ 7pm

What do we Study?

  • The Gospel - everything centered on the good news of Jesus Christ

  • Biblical Theology - how to study the Bible as God's special message to us

  • Apologetics - always ready to give a reason for the hope that we have and why we believe as we do

  • Practical Theology - living out what we believe in order to share the Gospel with others


Why youth group?

The middle school and high school years are wrought with transitions, development, and peer influences. What better time to learn about who God is and why He made you? Our relational approach to ministering to youth means our conversations allow everyone to participate and share different perspectives. Come join us!